9 Pieces Of Camping Gear For Beginners

9 Pieces Of Camping Gear For Beginners

As a beginner, selecting your camping gear can sometimes seem overwhelming. With such an extensive range of products and equipment on the market these days, it’s hard to know where to begin. You don’t want to end up buying lots of gear you won’t use for your camping trip.

We have put together the nine most important pieces of camping gear we think every camper should have when setting off on their first outdoor holiday.

You can build on this list and your kit over time, but everyone needs to start somewhere. We recommend starting slow and adding to your collection over time. As you get more experienced, so will your knowledge of what’s needed for a stress free trip away.

  • A quality waterproof tent

  • This is one that you don’t want to get wrong. Being wet and uncomfortable not only has the potential to ruin your trip but it can also have a negative impact on your health. Work out how many you’re needing to fit into the tent (a ‘four man’ tent typically means that three adults at the most will fit). You will also need to consider where you want to use the tent, the ease of setting up and packing up and the conditions that it will be expected to perform under.

  • Lighting

  • In the early stages of camping, it can be quite a shock how dark it is in the outdoors. Think carefully about the sort of lighting you want to use around the campsite and how it will be powered up. Don't rely on campfires as your only source of lighting.  Whilst campfires are great, the light they cast is in immediate surroundings to the fire itself. That light won't help you when you are elsewhere in the campsite. There is a huge range of lighting options out there (LED, electric, gas, dual fuel, battery operated) to suit every budget, so doing your homework is imperative for making the right choice for you and your needs (and capabilities). 

  • Shovel

  • Your shovel will be used for digging holes, fixing up the fire embers, banging in tent pegs or clearing campsites. Your shovel can also aid you when securing your tent and a range of tasks that may unexpectedly arise.

  • First Aid Kit

  • Make sure it's a well stocked kit, up to date and includes items such as insect repellent and plenty of band aids. Remember a pressure immobilisation bandage is worthwhile having in your kit if you live in an area prone to snakes.

  • Bedding

  • Buying the best quality bedding you can afford is one of our top tips. A good self inflating mattress or stretchers with a sleeping bag that is suitable for the season you plan on camping in. Camping stretchers are a good addition if you don't think lying close to the ground will appeal to you.

  • Esky (Portable Cooler)

  • Purchase an esky/portable cooler that has excellent insulation. Food that is meant to be kept cold, needs to be kept cold otherwise you risk yourself and your campmates getting sick.

  • Reliable Cooking Device

  • A good, classic stove you can always depend on during family camping trips is a two burner camp stove. Look for a cooking device that is both easy to use, set up and can be versatile too. Don’t rely on starting a campfire as not all camping sites will allow them.

  • Fold Up Table

  • Use it for meal prep, holding other camping equipment or as a place to gather at meal time. It can also be used to keep items off the ground at night time (hopefully avoiding animals!).

  • Washing Up Tub

  • You will need to eat and eating always leads to dishes! You are going to need to wash up and a tub to do so will prove essential. You can also use your tub to store items on your way to and from the campsite. When not in use it also carries supplies to and from camp locations.

    Now that you’ve seen our guide to camping gear for your first camping trip, how prepared are you? Being well prepared for your trip will be the secret to success for your first trip!

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